"Unless you are Native American, you came from someplace else."
-- former President Barack Obama, January 2013 speech
Become an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation

Check out our Resources page.
See "how to..." information specific for congregations and accomplices in the "For Disciples..." pages.
Subscribe to our newsletter for legal updates and important announcements.

Your gifts enable our legal services to remain pro bono (free) for Disciples immigrants. Please designate "Disciples Immigration Legal Counsel" on the Disciples Home Missions donation page. Thank you in advance!

Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries equips Disciples to respond to Jesus’ call to welcome the stranger through refugee resettlement, ministering with immigrants, and advocacy. Subscribe to "RIM WRAP" to receive advocacy opportunities.
Resources for Pastors

Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Besides powerful advocacy initiatives, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries also provides migrant focused worship and biblical materials. Also, there is an incredible collection of the former Immigrant Led Weekly Online Bible Studies, organized and led by former Disciples Immigration Response Specialist Valeria Bejar in 2020.

Interfaith Immigration Coalition
The Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) is a partnership of faith-based organizations committed to enacting fair and humane immigration reform that reflects our mandate to welcome the stranger and treat all human beings with dignity and respect. Coalition members work together to advocate for just and equitable immigration policies, educate faith communities, and serve immigrant populations around the country.

Disciples Partners
​We are grateful to the many partners who support our work, including:
Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries / Obra Hispana
Division of Overseas Ministries/ Global Ministries
North American Pacific/Asian Disciples (NAPAD)

Well-Fed Spirit
The Well-Fed Spirit includes spiritual formation & wellness resources for clergy and lay-persons from the Christian tradition and our wider spiritual communities. It is affiliated with the Office of Christian Vocations of the Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ), a ministry within Disciples Home Missions.
For mental health resources specific for the migrant experience:
Informed Immigrant Resources
Immigrants Rising Mental Health Connector
Very Well Mind Resources
National Immigration Law Center Mental Health & Civil Rights Resources
United We Dream's UndocuHealth Project